Posts tagged ‘kayak’

Web 2.0 and Web x.0

I wish I could report that my computer can read my mind. It may come in Web X.0. Until then, I continue to enjoy many Web 2.0 features. I recently played with Twitter, amazed that so many people apparently are interested in the activities and whereabouts of so many other people. Is Twitter the inverse of a calendar – a calendar tells one what to do and Twitter reports on what is being or has been done?

As I was trying to determine the perceived societal benefits of Twitter, I can across a lovely Web 2.0 feature where immediate feedback is given on the availability of your user name as you type it in. How refreshing to not have to submit something, wait for it to be processed, and then act upon the results. Other sites do similar things; WordPress’ registration gives immediate feedback on the “strength” of a password as it is being entered. My favorite Web 2.0 example is the slider bars in Kayak to refine a travel search in place.

While it is great to not have to submit a request, wait for it to be processed, make changes, and resubmit, I would prefer mind-reading, which will undoubtedly be available in Web X.0. Ideally mobile mind-reading so I am no longer tethered to my computer. Perhaps then Twitter’s usefulness will be more apparent to me, since I will be off dancing or at the movies, not typing at my computer.

January 5, 2008 at 4:13 am 1 comment

Lisa Gualtieri, PhD, ScM

Lisa GualtieriLisa Gualtieri is Assistant Professor at Tufts University School of Medicine in the Department of Public Health and Community Medicine. She is Director of the Certificate Program in Digital Health Communication. Lisa teaches Designing Health Campaigns using Social Media, Social Media and Health, Mobile Health Design, and Digital Strategies for Health Communication. Contact Lisa: